Laser Hair Removal Aftercare Recommendations
iLuvo Beauty Laser Hair Removal Aftercare Recommendations
Aftercare Recommendations
During Treatment
- The skin is cleaned
- When treating the upper lip, the teeth may be protected with gauze. The gauze also serves to support the lip during treatment, allowing a surface to push against
- Skin colour can compete as a target for the 810nm wavelength with melanin in the hair.
- The cooling tip will be used with the laser to minimize skin damage
- Safety considerations are important during the laser procedure. The client and the operator will wear protective eyewear during the procedure
Before Treatment
- Try to avoid excessive exposure to the sun for two weeks before and after treatment
- You MUST avoid bleaching, plucking or waxing hair for two weeks prior to treatment
- Do not use Depilatory creams one week prior to treatment
- If you have a history of cold sores, Zovirax may be used prior to treatment and continued one week after treatment
- The use of tanning cream must be discontinued two weeks before treatment
- Please shave the area the day before or the morning before the treatments
Laser Hair Removal Aftercare Guidelines
Laser Treatment Aftercare Recommendations and Laser Hair Removal Aftercare Recommendations for our clients. It is important that you follow the laser treatment aftercare recommendations below after each treatment here with us at iLuvo. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the recommendations below, please contact our Customer Services Team who will be more than happy to assist.
- Immediately after treatment, there may be redness and swelling in the treatment area, this may feel like a mild sunburn.
- The application of iced water during the first few hours after treatment will reduce any discomfort.
- The application of aloe vera gel can continue at home.
- Makeup may be used immediately after the treatment unless there is epidermal blistering.
- Avoid sun exposure for 2 weeks to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation or darker pigmentation. Use sunscreen SPF 30 or greater at all times throughout the course of treatment.
- Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. Do not use any other hair removal treatment methods (waxing, electrolysis or tweezing) that will disturb the hair follicle in the treatment area for 4-6 weeks after treatment. Shaving or depilatories may be used.
- Hair regrowth occurs at different rates in different areas of the body. New hair growth will not occur for AT LEAST three weeks after treatment.
- Anywhere from 5-19 days after the treatment, shedding of the surface hair may occur and this appears as new hair growth. This is NOT new hair growth. You can clean and remove the hair by washing or wiping the area with a wet cloth or Loofa sponge.
- After the underarms are treated, use a powder, instead of deodorant, for 24 hours after the treatment to reduce skin irritation.
- Avoid hot baths and heat treatments and treat the skin gently, as if you had sunburn, for the first 24 hours.
- Any questions or concerns that you may have then please call us for advice.
Laser Skin Treatment Aftercare Guidelines
We offer a wide range of Laser Skin Treatments such as Laser Acne Treatments, Laser Blackhead Removal, Laser Skin Tightening, Laser Skin Carbon Peeling Facial, Laser Spider Vein Treatment, Laser Varicose Vein Treatment, and much more.
All these treatments have different aftercare guidelines. Your clinician will advise on aftercare instructions when attending your appointment. Please ask if unsure, or uncertain.
More Information
For more information on Soprano ICE Platinum Laser Hair Removal please click Laser Hair Removal FAQs. For more information on laser treatment aftercare recommendations, please request a call back from a clinician by completing the form below with notes of your request.
We offer the most cost-effective and efficient laser hair removal service for all areas of the body, including Laser Hair Removal for Arms, Laser Hair Removal for Legs, Laser Hair Removal for Underarms, Laser Hair Removal for Bikini Line, Laser Hair Removal for Hollywood, Laser Hair Removal for G-String, and much more.
To book an appointment with us, click Book Appointment.