Her Royal highness, her majesty, the past Queen of Great Britain, her majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The longest serving royalty in history and for all eternity. We will never again witness a royal Queen/King

Rest in Peace

We expect our customers will fully understand and appreciate why we are cancelling appointments on this day, and hope that they will join us all in marking our respects to her majesty. To say goodbye and Godspeed. That she may fly with the angels to join her late husband and rest in eternal peace.

In Closing

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those closest relations and friends of her majesty, and to all who greave alongside them for the loss of such a magnificent person who gave her entire life to serving the crown and her people, the citizens of a once great empire, and a new commonwealth.

For those customers affected by the closure of our business on this day, we will be contacting you to reschedule your appointments at your earliest convenience after Monday 19th September. We thank you for your understanding.

May you rest in peace, your highness.